I Write Artist Statements

An artist-run writing service for your website, press outreach, residency and fellowship applications, and more.

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Tips for Editing Your Statement

Many artists ask, “What if my general artist statement no longer applies to my work in the future?”

The truth is, it probably won’t. It is a snapshot of your thinking about your art practice at a specific moment, not a contract for all eternity. You may need to update it every time you complete a new project. You should also tailor it to various opportunities, emphasizing different aspects of your practice.

Do these things before you hit “post” or send a new draft:

  • Reread your document out loud so that you can hear how it sounds. Then, have an app like Speechify read it to you, so you can hear how it sounds in another voice. Then, read it backwards, sentence by sentence, from end to beginning to hear how each sentence sounds individually.
  • Read your document for facts. Are you certain that everything you included in your statement is factually correct? Go line by line confirming whether the information presented is based in reality and/or supported by credible sources.
  • Check for overall word repetition using a word use counter, like Word Counter. If you find yourself overusing a word, check a thesaurus for alternatives.
  • Get a second set of eyes on your document. Use Grammarly to check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Work with a live editor (other than yourself) to check your structure, style, content, and flow. For example, we can work with you through Calendly. 😉
  • Sleep on it, and then, read it one last time—first thing in the morning—before you post it on your website, email it to an organization, or submit it with an application. Sleep allows your brain to process and consolidate information. After a good night’s sleep, you can better identify errors, inconsistencies, or areas for improvement that you might have missed.

Need help? We can guide you along your way during a one-on-one. These sessions allow us to meet one-on-one with you via Zoom to collaborate on a piece of text on a shared screen for 1- or 2-hour blocks of time. Book an appointment that is convenient for you on Calendly!