I Write Artist Statements

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How to Ask For What You Want

Asking for what you need can be intimidating, so we’ve put together this list of strategies to help you assert yourself as an artist. These tips are universal, and will help you whether you are asking an artist you admire to collaborate on a project, asking an artist magazine to feature your work, or asking a curator for a studio visit.

  • Ask Explicitly For What You Want. Don’t hint at what you want or need–asserting yourself means asking directly for what you want. It can be uncomfortable, but keep in mind that people cannot read your mind. By clearly expressing what you want or need, you are helping other people to support you and your art practice.
  • Explain Why You Are Asking. When you explain how your request is rooted in your beliefs, values, and needs as an artist, the other parties are more likely to listen. If you are able to connect your values to those of an organization you are approaching, you will create even greater impact.
  • Positively Reinforce Your Request. In strong relationships, we acknowledge each other for doing things that are appreciated. This could be something as simple as saying, “thank you” to someone for taking the time to listen to your request.
  • Appear Confident, Even if You’re Not. For many of us, asking for what we want or need can be uncomfortable. You might not feel confident, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look confident. When you are speaking, make eye contact. When you are asking in person, speak calmly, clearly and loudly.
  • Be Prepared to Negotiate. The goal in any professional negotiation is for both parties to feel like they have won. This means not only talking about your needs, but also actively listening to the other person. To be effective, you have to be open to what the other person needs too.

Have any of your own tips to share? Let us know!